Zelda: Death in the Wild

After another disagreement with her father, Princess Zelda stormed off into the wilderness to take her mind off of the constant pressure of her duties. She stormed off unannounced, ensuring that she could enjoy the peace of solitude. But as she rested alone in the woods, she heard the rustling of bushes behind her. She turned to see the glowing eyes and pink snout of a bokoblin, the horrid monster drooling as it glared at her. She screamed in panic and attempted to flee, but she barely made it a few feet before she felt an arrow pierce between her shoulders.
The Princess faceplanted onto the floor, gasping and sobbing in horror as she attempted to crawl across the ground. But the arrow had pierced her heart, causing her struggle to only last a brief moment. Before she could call out to anyone for help, she went still with a deep exhale. The slain princess had barely let out her final breath before the lustful bokoblin had torn a hole in her tights just enough to access her holes. Now the royal daughter was nothing more than the beast's personal sex doll.

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The fuck???